Thursday, July 19, 2007

GCast --Podcasting Made Simple & Convenient


I think GCast is a very teacher-friendly podcast tool, because you can make podcasts simply by talking on the phone -- making this new technology much less scary for teachers who might be a little fearful of Web 2.0. That is probably the best feature, at least to me -- the ability to make a podcast without even touching the computer. It makes it easy for everyone involved. Some other great features are that you can embed your podcast right in your website, and you can be alerted by email whenever a new podcast by your favorite podcaster is created/published. This could be a convenient feature in the educational setting; for instance, teachers could be alerted whenever the library media specialist posted a new book review podcast, or a teacher could be alerted whenever their students completed their assigned podcast.

I have already talked to some colleagues about Gcast, and they were excited about how easy Gcast makes podcasting. They had ideas like podcasting directions to longterm assignments or to ongoing assignments, so that parents could here them as well. As I work on my new library website, I already have a space for a book review podcast ready and waiting!

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